Thursday, August 30, 2012

Teary Girly

Don't bother to judge me for being all fragile and girly. As sometimes I find that sad movies and books are very helpfull to get the all hidden, guarded feelings inside.
I cried watching and reading "candy-candy" comic, so go figure.
Movies and books have been the reasons of swolen eyes in the morning of crying myself to sleep. Not just tiny little sobs and few tear drops, some of those could make my pillow really watery.

So don't say I didn't warn you,
For I am indeed full of tears and all girly.


Just tell me,
How to hold so gentle and keeping the door opens
How to hold it tight and keep the gate unlocked
Just so I can keep it for the rest of my life

I am not letting go,
Yet I am not chasing up shadows

I just want to keep you,
To keep us

And if forever and eternity exist,
Let them prove it on our existance

Tuesday, August 21, 2012


Setelah ada pengumuman dari Multiply, akhirnya saya memutuskan untuk mem-bedoldesa-kan semua artikel -tulisan,photo,video,dll- ke blog ini. Rencana awal untuk memisahkan keduanya terpaksa harus berubah dan sepertinya merger dari semua coretan saya akan kejadian...

Dalam beberapa waktu kedepan, saya akan mulai pindahan dan diupayakan semua dibuat sesuai dengan waktu posting masing-masing seperti aslinya.

Demikian ya, jadi mari kita pindahan...