Wednesday, March 28, 2007

NICE doesnt equal GOOD

Bner2 bukan hal yg gampang buat bisa jd orang yg adil, yg bisa ngambil kputusan terbaik dan nghasilin win-win solution n keep everybody happy. Pasti ada aja hal2 yg mau ga mau jd korban, pihak2 yg ngrasa ga powasss...

Being extreme isnt a choice.

Tlalu tegas bisa jd sama artinya sama ga bisa fleksibel ato even worse, ga bisa kerjasama. Tlalu baik bisa jd di anggep ga punya wibawa, gada power ato apalah sbangsanya.

Mungkin yg perlu tuh empati, kpekaan dan logika ya? Jd kta slalu bisa ngerti apa yg orang rasain, bisa ngrasain dan as an outsider, bisa ngliat smuanya dr sisi lain supaya bisa dpt jln kluar tbaik yg bisa kta pikirin.

...a day when nice doesnt equal good...

Monday, March 26, 2007

Keep Your Feet On The Ground

Jangan pernah lupa klo dunia itu berputar dan elo pasti akan kbagian nempatin smua arah yg ada. Utara, timur, selatan, tenggara...atas, bawah, samping...seneng, sedih...kurus, gendut...nangis, ktawa. Pokonya sgala rasa deh, ga pake kcuali.

Knapa mesti ngrasa diri paling hebat?

Skolah tinggi dan titel hebat...
Pengalaman jutaan taun d sana sini...
Cantik, ngganteng, body keren, seksi atau berotot...
Kartu kredit ngjejer, mobil keren, rumah pribadi, gaji gede...
Posisi tinggi d kantor...

Udah lupa ya klo d atas langit tuh slalu ada langit. Wake up mannn...!!!

Titik dmana elo ngrasa lebih hebat dari orang laen adalah awal jatohnya elo. Sadar akan sgala kmampuan yg kta punya itu harus, tp bukan buat jd sombong.

Ga malu sama padi? Yang smakin berisi smakin menunduk...

Elo ga akan pernah tau apa yg akan kjadian sama idup lo bsok. Bukan ga mungkin suatu hri elo akan ngemis2 d kaki orang yg pernah lo buang2 dengan seenak jidat. Bukan ga mungkin sgala ssuatu akan berbalik nyusahin elo. Ga akan pernah ada orang yg berharap sgala hal buruk kjadian d idupnya. Ga ada orang yg punya keistimewaan untuk bisa milih mau dilahirin d kluarga dan kondisi kya apa.

Jangan pernah lupa untuk slalu liat k bawah, biar kta ga brenti bersyukur atas sgala klebihan yg kta punya.
Abis itu jangan lupa liat k atas, supaya kta sadar klo msh ada orang2 hebat laen yg ttp sederhana dan membumi.

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

TiMe AfteR TiMe

Lying in my bed I hear the clock tick and think of you
Caught up in circles confusionis' nothing new
Flashback, warm nights...almost left behind
Suitcases of memories, time after..

Sometimes you picture me, I'm walking too far ahead
You're calling to me, I can't hear what you've said
Then you say, go slow
I fall behind
The second hand unwinds

If you're lost you can look and you will find me
Time after time
If you fall I will catch you, I'll be waiting
Time after time

After my picture fades and darkness has turned to gray
Watching through windows, you're wondering if I'm OK
Secrets stolen from deep inside the drum beats out of time

...nighty nite, sleep tight...

Monday, March 19, 2007


BoSeNNNNNNNNNN banget, matek bener deh rasanya.
Minjem buku di perpus, maleeessss banget mo mbacanya.
Mo brenang, ujan ampir tiap malem. Mo erobik, kerjaan ga kelar2, lembur terussss...
Aduhhhh akuw bosaaaannnn...!!!!!!!!!!!!!

...pasrah deh ngbayangin tagihan internet gw mbengkak hikssss...

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Udah pernah baca Cintapuccino-nya Icha Rahmanti? Klo butuh bacaan yang ga pake mikir dan menghibur, gw rekomen banget chicklit ini. Seruuu...mungkin sdikit kuatir karna brasa baca kisah sendiri hahaha...

Anyway, lets talk about my own "NIMO"

I knew him since we're wearing the blue uniform, long time ago indeed. But ever since, he's always been an unanswered question in my teen's life. It's funny how he could be sooo adorable and sooo distance at the same time.
Even when I thought we had this 'thing' going on, he declined from the commitment I stubbornly asked. I didn't stop then, cos I believed there were signs (man, the book really does expressing the situation loud and clear) saying I should move on.
At some points, I started letting go all this silly things about the "nimo". Fortunately, he dissapeared. No message, no phone call. Nothing. Zero.
And so I moved on...

Until one day, he called and in his own way, he was asking for a second chance. Whatta selfish bastard!!! Can't help myself, sorry, but that's the fact. So it was a perfect timing, but for who??? If someone really do care about us, I believe that they will do their best to caused us no harm and keep us safe. Would it be fair for someone to stroll into one's life and apologize to make things right? Heaven would not exist would be such a peaceful and happy place.

Another funny thing from my lovely "nimo" was about the short messages I received periodically from unknown number. Incidentally, i found out that he was the one sending all the messages. It was the day I made peace with my "nimo".

...ada alasan kenapa kita berjodoh dengan seseorang untuk beberapa waktu dan tidak untuk waktu yang lain... (nyontek dari Cintapuccino)