Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Too Good To Be True

It is hard to believe that this is all happening in my life
Like having a basket full of unexpected things
All at the same time

I thought that life couldn't get any better
But then, again, i had to start from zero

Just when I think my life is getting better
Somehow it always started to get down unexpectedly

Was it just bad luck?

Was it supposed to get worse before it gets better?

Was it because something I believe?
I always get freak out that once I think everything is perfect, something will come and take things away from me, just like that...

I am at lost, of everything
Even words
Nothing could describe things perfectly

Just wish I am given the strength to carry on
Life is again, a game to play

Maybe I am being reminded to play things right
Whatever happen, do believe that there's a silver lining behind each cloud

"mungkin elo mo naek kelas" kta m'dinda

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