Thursday, September 27, 2012

Sesederhana Hidup

Satu lagi hari baru
Hari ini mentari bermalasan, berselimutkan awan hadirkan asa
Akan satu hari penuh syukur

Terima kasih,
Atas penerimaan yang hadir atas nama cinta dan kasih sayang
Atas keberadaan apa adanya yang hadir dengan tulus hati

Terima kasih,
Untuk pertemanan sederhana yang memenuhi hidup dengan cengiran bahagia

Dan sungguh,
Betapa bahagia itu sungguh sederhana adanya

Terima kasih,
Untuk kesederhanaan yang membahagiakan

Nitey Nite

Hearing the sound of loved one asleep, even the annoying snoring sound, is somehow a blessing. Undescribable one. Even more when you are zillion miles away.

Nitey nite beybi, sleep tight...

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Marked, but (hopefully) unlocked

There will be people in life that you loved dearly, then you decided to go on a short or a long trip as you think you can bear hours and days with them.
You are not perfect yourself, therefore you can't expect them to not see all your flaws and those unpleasant sides of you.
Yet you go, on those trips. Let it be short or long ones.

Unexpected things happen when you're travelling; rain, uncomfy places, misreading the maps and get lost, headache, starving and grumpy for low blood sugar. Just focus on all the fun and silly sides, make the trip all worthwhile and happy. Compromise your schedule and destination, you can't win everything and let others have no say on things.

When the unexpected happened, be prepared. People might get disappointed, or even angry.
This is the point then, where you have to manage emotions.

Enjoy the trip, for whatever happen, don't let the unfortunate events take away your excitement and happiness.
Forgiving is always the key, yet forgetting has never been easy.

Some scars stays and leave marks, but can't let the door to those marks be locked and burnt your heart.

And those people who survived the elimination of travelling, are those who worth keeping forever.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012



One crystal glass
Handle with care

I wish people see the sign
In every living things
In everything they see

Monday, September 17, 2012


Bagai dedaunan tertutup debu
Akan lembut rintikmu

Bagai tanah kering
Rindu lembutmu dalam butiran

Pun aku
Merindu segalamu
Harum wangi tanah yang kau hadirkan
Buliran air di pucuk dedaunan
Genangan air berpercik di tanah

Jangan pergi dulu
Biarkan aku menari dalam deras rintikmu
Takkan puas dahagaku sepanjang masa

Berdiamlah disini bersamaku
Bersama rindu yang tak kunjung usai
Akan setiap tetes penuh cinta
Telusur hangat rindu

Adalah satu


Ini gada hubungannya sama sekali dengan lensa ataupun kamera. Ilmu saya masih belum secanggih itu dalam urusan popotoan, masih sekedar penikmat dan pelaku sesuka hati (baca: ga mau repot).

Hubungan jarak jauh itu ternyata bisa menggila juga. Dan waktu paling berat buat saya adalah saat menjelang datang bulan, dimana hormon berantakan dan emosi tinggi. Rasa kangen jadi sulit dikendalikan, dan membuat saya uring-uringan, ngambek tanpa sebab. Mungkin buat saya sih ga berat karena punya alasan pms sebagai pembenaran. Kasihan buat yang kena imbasnya, semoga senantiasa sabar sampai akhir.

Kadang segala perangkat teknologi yang maha canggih itu ga mampu meredam rasa yang sungguhan menggila luar biasa seperti sekarang ini. Kadang suka kepengen ngebangunin matahari biar cepat pagi dan ganti hari. Sampai dihari itu, dimana jarak bukan lagi masalah.

This might be the moment where they say; missing you like crazy...
And I am indeed crazy in love, with you toots...

Saturday, September 15, 2012

mencari adamu

Semburat oranye di ufuk timur membelah langit biru muda
Pertanda cerah bergelimang mentari
Jelang siang, gumpalan awan sembunyikan mentari
Hadirkan harap akan butiran hujan

Angin hadir perlahan
Meggerakkan awan
Kembalikan mentari
Hanguskan harap

Entah sudah berapa langit biru dan gemintang malam
Entah sudah berapa baris doa kubisikkan
Entah sudah berapa tarian kupentaskan

Dahagaku tak kunjung sirna
Rinduku semakin menggila
Kemarau ini terasa begitu panjang
Kering, meranggas

Jiwaku merindu adamu
Membasuh damai hati dan relung jiwa
Belai ragaku, mengalir
Basahi adaku yang merindu

Suaramu, gemuruh berkilat dilangit
Hadirmu, bangkitkan harum semesta

Kurindu hujan

Thursday, September 6, 2012

RIP Andika

Hai Na,
Pagi ini aku dapat kabar kalau Andika berpulang. Your most favorite brother-friend.
Dan tiba-tiba aku kaya liat muka cengengesan jahil kalian, seperti waktu kalian jemput aku pulang kantor suatu hari lalu itu.
Mungkin saat ini kalian sedang sibuk bercerita melepas rindu, bersama bercangkir-cangkir kopi dan semoga tidak berpuntung-puntung rokok.
Semoga baik-baik kalian disana, sampai waktunya nanti kita bertemu lagi...

Rest in peace dear Andika, you will be missed...

Saturday, September 1, 2012


There will come moments when you feel like you are having best moments of your life, like you are in the seventh heaven and that no way things could get better than this. But then there moght be a voice from deep inside, reminding of your fear and limits you have set in life, and all expectation you want to achieve.

There you are then...
Facing what so called; risk.

Some says to follow your heart and risk everything. But is it worth it?
Some says you won't see all those places mentioned beautifully in the books if you are afraid to spread your wings and fly. But is it worth it?

Some even say, what doesn't kill you will make you stronger.
But do you really want to reach the limit, knowing 50:50 possibility of pain and laughter? Both resulting teary swolen eyes...

No one can set your limit. It is your very own decision.
And life may not always be fair, as it should be. Yet you are expected to bargain, to meet half way, to compromise.

It is you who decide how you want your life to be, how you need your life to be.
Be brave, knowing you might get hurt and knowing happiness is there behind one of the displayed doors.

Have faith.
For there's rainbow after the storm...
There's always light after darkness...

Chin up and face the world.