Tuesday, February 9, 2010


you do know how this world can be so cruel and mean, rite?
that you can't always have what you want and not really want what you have...

when you feel sorry for yourself n see that there's no point on living,
please remember these foolish sentences of mine

so if you try to get drunk every single nite of your misserable life, even use drug or whatever to 'help you forget' all those unhappy moments
keep in mind that this might happen;
instead of rest in peace n go to heaven, you ended up alive and sick for the rest of your life...
instead of having the 'golden escape', you ended up alive and live in shame...

don't cheat on fate dear friend,
fate has its own secret that was not to be revealed before time
enjoy life and its mystery (which painfull at many ends)
as you never know if a hidden precious gift awaits to unwrap

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