Thursday, September 29, 2011

silly us

From: @Hippy_Cio
Sent: Sep 29, 2011 07:23

Kita ini bak spasang cangkir kopi yg saling bersulang. Kopi A dg brandy &kopi B dg celupan ruti. Tapi fisik spesifik sama2 mata bengep kaki metingkrang.

From: @dhardiany
Sent: Sep 29, 2011 07:29

Bahagia itu sederhana. Sesederhana dua gelas kopi dlm rasa berbeda, tersaji diatas meja bundar pd suatu pagi bercerah mentari.

Wednesday, September 28, 2011

lucky me!

I know that life will always be ok,
Will never be lonely or quite, or even ordinary,
As I am the luckiest one
For having lots of beautiful people in my life
People I call my friend

We might not always together
But we will never far

We might not always agree and understood each other
But we would mostly stay together

May together is what we always be
Through time and distance


where would we be...?

Been having the butterflies in my stomach
Been to the glorious fullmoon
Been to the google for the lost of words
Been to the highest and lowest mood swing

All because of you

You know how easy it is to forgive, yet it is strangely difficult to forget
The footprint stays, for the longest time
The scars left deep into one soul

I don't regret the cupid's gift of you
For it has bring more colours to life

I don't know if us supposed to mean anything
Or if us haven't even started

It is the shadow and confusion that held my hands tight by my side
Keep my feet firm on the ground
Though I know my heart is just dying to run to where you are

The falling in love and broken hearted part are easy
The anger and rejection you showed the world is the one I didn't anticipate
Even google can't help translating the mysteries
Left me bleeding

Don't take me to a shadowy path
For life offers enough grey side
Don't take me in if you hesitate
For you might again change your mind

I wish we could have a proper talk or we could be angry sometimes and still talk
Simple line about the traffic
Discussion which lead no where
Even a lingering silence with us holding hands

Where would we be if we can't even talk?

Tuesday, September 27, 2011


Life can sometimes be surprising
It is not about a box of chocolate with its many different flavors melting in your mouth
Or like a bright room with its sudden electricity turn off

Life and secrets just get along too well
You barely have a clue

Bear in mind that most of the surprises are good, though many times it breaks your heart
That's what makes it fun, isn't it?
If its good at all time, it would no longer secretive and surprising...

Saturday, September 24, 2011

complicatedly silly

It's amazing how 'complicated' managed to sneak up and come out from the shadow or even locked closet, some people even managed to put it as their middle name.

Missing my dear silly soulmate, missing her so much it grew an anger within me.
Silly, yet it is complicated.

Let the 'runaway' day arrive very soon,
Pack our bags, get crazy, attract all those silly crazy unbelievable things,
Well, let's just get together, that's all that really matter, ever.

Friday, September 23, 2011


I am the falling leaves, blown by the wind
I am the wave, reaching out for hold of sands
I am the rain, with its rainbow afterwards
I am the sun, along the rise and it sets
I am the moon, guards by zillion stars

I am standing here upon the morning sun
Cherish the universe with all I might

Let the peace be within you...

Saturday, September 17, 2011

letters to Sam

Sam, ada sebuah ajaran Yahudi yang sangat indah. Ajaran ini mengatakan bahwa sebelum seorang anak dilahirkan ke dunia, Tuhan mengalirkan ke dalam dirinya semua pengetahuan dan kebijaksanaan yang dia butuhkan dalam hidup. Lalu, Tuhan meletakkan jarinya pada bibir si anak dan berkata, 'Sst,' dan dengan demikian pada saat itu Dia membuat perjanjian rahasia antara mereka berdua. Konon karena itulah setiap manusia memiliki lekukan di atas bibirnya. Itu sidik jari Tuhan.

-Letters to Sam, Daniel Gottlieb-

hi there!

Life is never perfect but there's always that little things that remind you of him. Things he shared only with u.

People drop by in ur life to stay for a while, for cups of coffee, an episode or more, sm stay forever. Keep them, hear the messages.

-rest in peace you, trully missing your 'morning sunshine' text-
Morning in my room,
Windows wide open + books + coffee + texting = perfect.
And the after the rain last nite, it's just complete.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Percaya kan, kalau selalu ada jalan untuk semuanya?
Hari ini jalan itu milikku seorang, sederhana saja, tidak benderang ataupun bertabur bunga.
Tapi ini jalanku.

Semoga penuh berkah...
Semoga tidak pernah lupa bahwa ada titipan milik orang lain didalamnya.
Semoga tidak pernah lupa akan kewajiban yang menyertainya.

Bahwa selalu ada pintu dan jendela yang terbuka, walau pintu dihadapanmu tertutup rapat.

Tuesday, September 13, 2011

pesan tersembunyi

Belakangan rasa itu datang lagi, dan semakin hari terasa semakin kuat. Perasaan tidak nyaman yang hadir tanpa alasan. Seperti beberapa waktu lalu, dalam beberapa peristiwa lalu. Selalunya mengejutkan dan terlambat dipahami.

"Ada makna di balik semua pertanda".
Demikian sebait lagu Firasat-nya Marcel.

Lagu itu selalu sukses membuat sejuta rasa, angan dan kenangan hadir dari beragam lembaran waktu. Mengingatkan, mungkin juga memberi pertanda.

Semoga kali ini pertanda baik, terbaik.

Never let yourself failed to believe, that there's always a silver lining behind each cloud.

Sunday, September 11, 2011


It's been 10 years now, since the biggest tragic moment in history.
The pain and sadness still exist, you still have the goosebumps, even tears.

Let there be peace upon this universe, with lots of love.
Let there be no more war, no more anger.

As we are all brothers and sisters.
He could be your grandfather, your father, your uncle, your nephew, your children, your friend, your neighbour, your coleague, your husband, your lover.

Cherish each moment gracefully.
Love life in each second it offers.

As life is one precious irreplacable gift graciously given to us.

- in memoriam, 9/11 -


Have you ever wonder,
That I wonder if those lines, those signs were meant for me
Have you ever wonder,
That it would be easier if you just drop by and say hi

Because I am standing in between here
Wondering if you were calling me
Or some other angel

As I can't read your mind
Have no ability to read between your line

It would be a lot easier of you just tell me
It would be a lot, lot easier...


Selamat pagi semua,
biarkan senyum hangatkan pagi dan hati,
simpan gelap bersama malam dan nikmati benderang bumi hari ini.

Saturday, September 10, 2011

a marathon

Joining the marathon and not reaching the finish line
Would you consider yourself a loser?

Registering yourself to such a big event took courage and not many people would risk their pride

Joining those well-trained and in their-best-shape people while you have less preparation is a mental war, yet you stood there, ready to start

Running all the way, your body ache, your breath shorten with each further step, yet you run

Until you know that your body can't take nomore,
You stop

Looking back and realise how far you've run
Looking far ahead and smile

Realizing that you can't always reach your goal, yet you know how to appreciate your journey

As there's always lesson to learn and people to enrich your life, and message all the way through

Just have fun, life isn't supposed to be a big strong wall, life supposed to be fun

You choose your own journey, be wise
As time might not always on your side

Still, have fun...

Friday, September 9, 2011

quote lagi...

You never lose by loving. You always lose by holding back.

- Barbara De Angelis -


Rasanya sudah berpuluh malam dan siang tanpa hujan, dan telah berulang kali ku tatap mendung yang menggantung dan berbisik lirih pada angin untuk membawanya bersama hujan ke tempatku berada.
Semoga suatu hari ini, segera.

Sunday, September 4, 2011


Entah bagaimana malam selalu mengembalikan ingatan padamu, memudarkannya dalam mimpi dan mengembalikannya pada pagi.


Ada cerita yang diam menutup diri
Ada kisah yang tak tuntas tertutur
Rahasia hati
Romantika putih biru

Hari ini tidak ada luka
Hanya ada tawa dan tepukan akrab di bahu

Luka dan murka milik suatu hari lalu
Yang tersisa hanya kenangan pada kini
Ketika setiap kita lebur dalam tawa pada potongan kisah lalu
Kisah kita, selamanya

Friday, September 2, 2011


Kampung kecil di sebelah sisi Jawa Barat ini dengan senang hati ku sebut sebagai kampung halaman. Tempat kelahiran Baps, ayah saya. Tempat kami dengan ceria gegap gempita turut serta menjalankan tradisi mudik di hari raya.

Masa kecil libur sekolah, Garut menjadi salah satu tujuan favorit kami berbelas sepupu. Pagi-pagi ikut belanja ke pasar tradisional, dan pulang menenteng satu kresek bolu. Entah apa namanya bolu itu, tetapi belakangan jarang ditemui lagi. Mungkin rasanya pun telah sedikit berbeda. Delman selalu jadi hiburan, sampai pernah teman kakak sepupu yang ikut berlibur sakit perutnya akibat terlalu sering berguncang di delman.

Pernah suatu hari, kami sepakat untuk bermalam di saung. Saung adalah gubuk kecil tempat beristirahat para petani saat bekerja di sawah/ladang. Sore menjelang Maghrib, berbondong-bondonglah kami beserta perlengkapan, dan bawaan saya yang anak bawang tentu saja hanya bantal. Kakak-kakak sepupu lain ada yang membawa keranjang berisi termos, gelas dan kebutuhan lain.

Dengan penerangan petromak, kami pun duduk manis menempati kavling tidur masing-masing, mulai saling berbagi cerita dan terdengarlah suara alam yang tidak umum sama sekali bagi telinga anak kota. Suasana mulai sedikit kurang nyaman, duduk semakin merapat, mulai terdengar rengekan minta pulang.

Setelah bebunyian alam dan lainnya terdengar semakin kuat, akhirnya kita memutuskan untuk pulang. Bergegas kami mengangkat barang (baca: bantal) dan berlari menyusuri pematang sawah.

Dua orang sepupu saya pun sempat terjatuh ke sawah, duh pasti rusak deh sawah petani disana bekas tempat jatuhnya mereka. Suasana tambah panik, walaupun mulai bercampur pekikan geli melihat kedua sepupu berlumur lumpur. Semakin dekat ke rumah, jeritan kami pun semakin nyaring. Dengan nafas terengah-engah dan segala rasa di dalam hati, akhirnya kami tiba di rumah. Malam itupun akhirnya kami tidur lelap dan nyaman di rumah Emak, dan bukan di saung.

Garut akan selalu dan selamanya menjadi kampung halamanku. Walau Emak sudah tidak lagi ada menyambut kepulangan kami, walau hijau persawahan perlahan dan pasti menyulap wajah menjadi bangunan semen, walau kaki tak lagi susuri pematang sawahnya, walau jemari tak lagi menyentuh tanaman padi yang terlalui dan segala perubahan yang hadir bersama perkembangan kotanya.

Garut, beserta segala yang ada, mengalir damai di tubuhku, menetap indah di hatiku, bersenyawa cantik dalam ingatan.

Thursday, September 1, 2011

perfect morning

Its one of those perfect morning,
Where the sunrise presents itself gorgeously beautiful
Round orange shines and light the dawn
Bring earth back to life

And I have love
Here on my side
There on your side
Deep inside my heart