Tuesday, December 20, 2005

It's Good to be Single..hihihi

Kmaren ini ada temen gw telpon, its been a while since our last phonecall. Listening to her life story and all the problems she's dealing...until she said the word; I envy you for being single. Waks!!! This is not the first time I heard such statement from a friend.

Manusia emang ga pernah puas. Yang udah kawin pada pengen single kya gw, sementara yang single kya gw pengen kawin dan punya anak kya mreka. Jadi apa yang salah? Mungkin ga ada yang salah...mungkin cuma kta aja yang kurang mensyukuri keadaan yang ada...ato kta yang kurang bisa menikmati smua yang ada diidup kta.

Being single means freedom. The only person in charge and responsible for whatever we do with ourlife is ourself. Tapi itu juga berarti kta dituntut untuk bisa mandiri, cause there's none to share. In so many different ways, both situations has their own problems.

Percaya kan, 4JJI udah siapin kado terbaik buat each one of us...all we have to do is do our best and let 4JJI take care the rest.

**Just hang in there dear friend, everythings gonna be just fine**

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