Thursday, January 5, 2012

Then this is it...

I just love seeing myself in your eyes,
Reflection of me
Sometimes even feels like i can see my own big smile in your eyes

Maybe this is love...

I just love how your eyes never missed a second of my existance
As if the world exist within me and nothing else
As if nothing matter but me

Maybe this is love...

I just love all those first everything
Certainly there will be many first of more to come
And i really don't need to fly and get things 'fix'

Owh well, i think this is love...

I just love how you notice every single details of me
Each and every words, every weks kyaaa and personal vocabulary
How you managed to read between the line

But then i know this is love...

As unbelievable as it might be,
As crazy as it might sound,
This is love
And it just wash all the worries away

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