Monday, June 4, 2012

Best Sunday

It was the best Sunday ever.

Like it has always been in the past few months, morning always starts with hugs, kisses and all the nice lovely words. Then it started with family all together breakfast thing. Nothing fancy, just tea with milk and sugar, completed with pancakes with golden and maple syrups. Fun chitchat and bit of laughs.
Then we were off to the beach. Just us, with morning sunshine and a breeze.
Strolling down the white sandy beach, hand in hand, sneaking kisses, playing around and let the cold water from the wave nibble kisses on our legs. Leaving circled footprints on the sand just for the sake of it, seagulls flying low and around adding all the good signs from the universe.

It was definitely my best morning beach thing. Leaving big ear to ear grin on my face.

Yet morning still long to go. As we decided to have a picnic in the zoo, our second picnic.
Roast beef, salad, chocolate brownie and Turkish delight - your favorite flavour - just adding to the all fun simple perfect day for us. We sit on the grass at one picnic area, with kids running around chasing birds, a girl talking to someone on her notebook while laying on the green grass. Birds wandering around looking for leftover snacks. And there was us, sitting facing each other with big grin and happy face.

You showed me the bench where you sat and wrote your first love letter for me. Remember? You were looking for inspiration at the zoo and wrote a love letter for me while staring at all those monkeys. and some people wonder if things could go all fancy and romantic. Poor poor me...

The day goes on... Next thing I know, I had the football and hockey lessons freely thrown at me. Trying to hold the stick and score the white round ball into the goal. Making me hit the ball with my hands and try kicking it, catching the thing and running around out of breath.

And dinner time. Home cooking dinner, roast beef and veggies. I am so turned into you, what a laugh indeed. It is either you who is trapped in wrong casing, or it is me. But somehow we complete each other, like two sides of coin. I certainly feel welcome, that was a really big relieved.

The day was closed by watching masterchef. Fell asleep on the couch, feeling happy and peaceful.

That was indeed, the best Sunday ever. I do hope you feel the same way.

Happy birthday beybi, hope you had the best happiest first birthday with me and be many more to come.

Love you...

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