sdikit contekan dr percakapan ga penting d ym pagi ini:
x : gw bete sama istilah 'angel' skrg
y : even angel can broke ur heart beybeh, even heroes has the right to bleed
x : anjreeeeet
x : so, why dont we make deals with devils anyway
y : it'd be less challenging
x : but surely u already ready for the consequences.. these sort of conversations kinda remind me of...
y : hv we ever really ready..? we know n aware i'm sure, but never ready...
x : simply close our eyes..not wanna know even if we knew that's not gonna work
y : yup, that's the part when 'no regret' enter the stage
x : ga bisa control alt del untuk yg ituh..
y : once u put the rope on, no turning back. just hv to do the bungy
x : and it turned out that there were no safety net.. gebdubrak gedumbrang berdarah darah wakakakkaaaaaaa
y : talinya ga kuat naha berat badan kta
x : ha!
y : putus tusss blebl bleb msk sungai dehhh
...wufyu bgt, muahmuahhh - bring laughter to my friday...