Friday, May 22, 2009

Dearest Ladies..

You never know how trully thankfull I am to the genius who found a mobile phone technology, moreover to the brilliant one discovering a teleconference call. Thousands thumbs up just for you guys!!

As we grow older, the distance somehow keeping us apart
The family, the job, this and that of all the 'unimportant' things
These particular gals been in my life for years...
Done all the silly college thing with them, name it and we'd say we've been there alright
Done all those fell in love and heart broken thing, no doubt!
And yet, the distance's keep trying to separate us

Just when a ticket is too damn expensive, or the time is just too frikin' tight
I would surely dial your numbers and there we go...

Let there be a million broken mirrors, as long as you guys are there...
I know I still got the chance of having whatever silly things we do regardless the distance

Just keep the phone near ladies... *_*

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